Thursday 6 December 2012

Enjoy Quiet Practice Sessions In Your Backyard With Airsoft Spring Pistols

Many models and designs of the airsoft guns available in the market may leave many confused and inhibited. No matter how much one gets overwhelmed by the variety of these, there are several sources from which one can gather enough information about these guns. Today's blog itself is dedicated to serve the purpose. Starting off with the type of airsoft pistols, the readers will be excited to know that there are mainly three main types of these- spring, electric and gas.

If you are going for your first game, it is suggested that you should consider procuring a spring gun. The spring guns are light in weight and easy to use. It only requires cocking back of the barrel and finally pulling the trigger to deliver the coveted shot. The BB used by the gun can cover the distance between 200-300 feet per second. Airsoft spring pistols unlike real guns do not use bullets. In fact, these guns use small BBs, which are made of plastic, and are not capable of hurting human beings like real guns. The maximum damage they can cause to human body is that they can only leave an abhorrent mark on the body, which disappears in few days time. If you go out in market searching for these guns, you can find these in 12gBBs or 20gBBs. While 20gBBs are capable of providing a powerful punch, the 12gBBs cover more distance and are comparatively faster.

The main reason these guns are preferred over electric or gas guns is that the functionality of these guns do not get diminishes in extreme weather conditions like rain and cold. Many distinguished models of these guns can even be used underwater. The guns require no batteries to get them recharged, and no replacement canisters like gas guns. If anything you might fall short of, are the BBs. So, one only needs to carry suffice amount of ammunition to deliver the needed shots. Another good thing is that these guns are comparatively quieter than any electric airsoft pistol or gas pistol. This feature can be very rewarding in case you want to practice shooting in the backyard of your house without disturbing the inmates of the house or your neighbors.

If you have just started exploring some of the airsoft games, these guns are ideal for you. These guns are very cost effective. After playing some rounds of the game if you find out you do not enjoy the games and you wish to quit playing these games, then these guns wont make you regret as you attained them at very frugal prices.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

You Can Customize And Upgrade Your Airsoft M16 Rifle Any Time

Bestowed with easy to understand operational mechanism, an airsoft rifle is both utilitarian and performance driven. Considering the fact that there are many airsoft rifle games like Zombie, Military re-enactment, Protect the President, which are both intriguing and adventurous, the demand for functional airsoft rifles never has never fallen. Most of these games are based on first person shooter video games. The weapons that are being used to play the games look every bit same like the weapons used in the video game. 
Its always suggested to procure the rifles from a trusted brand. A 350 FBS speed is ideal for a rifle and one can go for bullets ranging from 0.20 to 0.30. Every rifle uses a specific type of bullet, so it should be ensured that the rifle you are using is provided with the bullets that are compatible with it. Airsoft M16 Rifle has always remained the first choice of may enthusiastic rifle game players. The rifle is known for its versatility and is also one of the largest produced rifles in the world. Depending on the model you are planning purchase, these rifles can be obtained at different prices. Apart from being used by players in the games, these rifles are also used for target shooting, and are frequently used in forests with heavier pellets. This rifle can be customized and can be bought at the modest price of $ 125. So, you can always upgrade the rifle whenever you like. The more money you spend on this rifle, the more features you can add to it. 
Initially, when rifles first appeared on the scene these were spring powered. The shots delivered were slow as these were capable of giving the speed between 100 to 200 FPS. Over the years, rifles have been contrived and mutated to deliver more performance on the course. With the passage of time, electricity in airsoft rifles was introduced. These rifles now used battery, so one was relieved of the hassle to recock the gun again and again every time one wanted to fire. The speed was also fast in these rifles. Today, we also have rifles that do not use batteries but are powered by compressed gas. These are fastest than both electric airsoft rifles and spring rifles. These are capable of attaining the speed between 400 to 500 FPS.

Which ever rifle game you are planning to play this month, there are various rifles available in the market which are specially designed for various rifle games played by enthusiasts.

Monday 3 December 2012

Airsoft electric pistols - fast and accurate

Designed and carved exactly like the real guns, airsoft guns are used by many enthusiasts to play various adventurous airsoft games. The only big difference that sets airsoft guns apart from real guns is that these guns do not use bullets. Instead these are provided with 6mm BBs, which are formulated with plastic. These guns can be attained in spring, gas or electric types. The BBs does not hurt and cannot go through the skin to provide any harm. Shot at the speed as slow as 20 feet per second, these are not at all fatalistic. As a precautionary measure the participants in the game are provided with an eye and face protection mask to avoid any kind of risk and promote a heedless game.

Usually the tip of all airsoft guns is coated with an orange color, which set these apart from real guns. Apart from popularly used in airsoft games, these are also used for training the novel shooters in apt professions. Though each type of airsoft gun holds laurels for being best for certain functions each is capable of doing, but still electric guns also known as automatic electric guns (AEG) still manage to retain the liking of many players. These guns come in two types- Airsoft Electric Pistol (AEP) and electric blowback (EBB). The airsoft electric pistols have sturdy metal inside superficies, and electric blowback pistols have inside parts that are made of plastic. The electric blowback guns also contain moving slide.

All AEP guns operate with the aid of an electric motor. This mighty motor is powered by the rechargeable battery. The battery is capable of compressing the spring, which in return after being compressed generates enough air, which leads to a perfect and accurate shot. All AEP pistols are bestowed with two firing modes. One is semi-automatic and the other is fully automatic. All AEP guns require no cocking before shooting and as a result these tend to become faster than any other gun. All AEP guns come in variety of models and can be procured with different specifications.

The owner of any Electric Airsoft Pistol also does not have to buy and store the compressed gas for using these guns, so these are very cost effective. These guns deliver shots at very fast speed. One can easily shoot and eliminate the close-by opponents in jiffy. These can also be attained with the option of battery, which grants the gun with the capability to shoot from long distance.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Why Metal Spring Airsoft Pistols Are Best For Novel And Experienced Shooters?

Airsoft guns, which are always in high demand in all airsoft games, come in spring, gas and electric type, and can be attained in 6mm or 8mm calibers. Moreover, the potential buyers also get to choose from variety of styles of the aforementioned types such as semi and full automatics, revolvers, single shots, and blowbacks. All airsoft guns contain some very useful features such as extended magazines, red dot silencers and scopes.

Spring pistols have always remained the first preference of many enthusiasts as these are easy to operate and economical. Their functioning involves the operation of a mighty compressed spring-loaded piston. This piston once set free, facilitates the ammunition to go out of the barrel. A veritable air pressure is created, which accomplishes the task of shooting successfully. All metalspring airsoft pistols are dependent on cocking when a shot has to be delivered. The functioning of other pistols like electric pistols is different from spring pistols. The cocking in electric pistols is achieved using an electric motor gearbox system.

It is true that spring pistols are not fast, and that's why many amateur and novel shooters prefer to procure these for having less complicated and easy round of game, but one cannot deny the fact that these incorporate the most facile and easy to understand mode of operation. In cold weather conditions, the gas pistols happen to lose their thrust, and in rainy days there is imminent danger that the elements of electric guns can also collapse. What comes to one's rescue during such bad weathers is a nifty spring pistol, which will enable you to have a groovy and passionate round of any adventurous airsoft game. Spring guns are also hassle free because one does not have to worry about carrying batteries or cartridges along while playing.

The airsoftspring pistols are available in the market at optimal prices. These can be attained just spending few dollars from your pocket. The durable material used in their automation makes them last long and these require very less or no maintenance. These pistols are apt for any type of weather and are capable of providing the most accurate shots. Many shooters prefer to have them because these are ideal for target shooting. 


Wednesday 28 November 2012

Ultimate Airsoft Gun Packages!

Airsoft Guns are the sheer duplication of the real weapons, these are intently designed and intricate as the actual guns, so that you can closely understand and learn about the real armament of which it has been replicated. These guns are produced for amusement and leisure time. These firearms are used to play combat games where amateurs segregate themselves into two teams and seek their opponents to hit them with their spherical non-metallic bullets, which are fired from their guns.

The top five Airsoft Gun Packages are:
  1. Custom JG M5-S6 : The rifle used in this package is fully automatic and a replica of Tokyo's Marui's full size M5-S6 (400 FPS) which was intently designed for the close quarter combat. It contains a complete metal gearbox with an integrated silencer to suppress the firing sound and a tactical retractable stock which makes it more portable and stealthily move in clogged spaces.
  2. DBoys Full Metal M4 CQB-SD: Its body is being made up of fully metal, with metal receiver, superior quality efficient barrel, and a full metal gearbox with in-built RIS system. Apart from other packages it is easy to upgrade , value-minded AEG rifle, and gives you the real sense of look and feel while you play with it. You can swiftly adjust hop up, rear-retractable 4-point crane stock and sights for your comfort and accuracy in shooting your target. With this package you can conquer your battle easily.
  3. "DMR" (Designated Marksman) AEG: This high value Designated Marksman AEG package offers you M16A3 Sniper with a metal gearbox rifle which features SRC M16A3 Compspec AEG complimented with a solid Bi Pod with an adjustable scope, extended M16-length barrel, and a high torque motor. If want to deliver a 100% powerful and accurate shot from long distances without decreasing its hitting rate or ammo capacity, then you should go for it.
  4. Airsoft Megastore Signature Package: This package is specially made for beginners who want to set their mark in this game gradually. It upholsters superior Airsoft guns with all the necessary components, that you might require for a quick start up. An automatic electric G&G M4A1 AEG Rifle comes with a fully loaded metal gearbox, semi or fully automatic settings, 14+ rounds firing per second on fully automatic mode.
  5. Magpul PTS MOE Carbine: This package contains, one of the most trusted and valued rifles i.e, CQB AEG rifles of the market. It has a MOE fully adjustable stock with nonslip rubber padding to provide you an ample grip on your rifle during on and off combat practices. It also have MOE Carbine length hand guard, and even a 120 round Magpul PTS PMAG, which immensely lend a hand in hitting your target accurately. It's even far more accurate and comfortable than other DMR AEG package.

Conclusion: Whether you are a novice or an expert, Airosoft has every kind of package to improve your combat skills. For more information you can visit (

Monday 26 November 2012

Why to buy inferior softguns when great options are available at a competitive price.

Aiming at an object with a real gun must be a fantasy for many or simply, a flick-thing. The first-hand experience of a real hot can only give the adrenaline a real high or the blood a rush. The people who love the sound of a bullet being shot may find many reasons or way to give vent to the desire, provided that a real gun with real shot is available to them. But most of us, the firearms lover, are anything but helpless for want of supply, money, and real arms. Who know it more than the passionate shooters, when just for the lack of ammunition we miss out totally on the pleasure?

The airsoft guns are a silver lining for the firearms lovers and are bought world over by shooters, professionals for their myriad reasons and purposes. These guns not only help you in improving your aim but also come handy for safety reasons. A Multi Shot Airsoft Shotgun can give you a real feel of firing successive shots on the targets just as you do in your fantasies or your favorite flick character does it. The feel of shooting from a real gun and an airsoft gun will certainly differ greatly if the later one is merely a dummy. A real pistol grip shotgun can only be felt real when it works exactly the same way.

There are many cheap makers selling shotguns at cheaper rates but are selling substandard, dummies of the real guns just for the sake of making a huge profit. These are no better than the toys we used to play when we were kids. The best airsoft shotgun can only be the ones which are exact replica of the real shotgun and functions in the same way. The features such as the clicking of trigger, emptying of the chamber, cartridge, etc. make the experience better. This is why it depends solely upon the purchase and ultimately on the quality of the gun you are buying.

The Multi Shot Airsoft Shotgun has always been the favorite of the shotgun lovers, mostly professionals. The back to back shots by these guns relieve you from frequent reloading of the cartridge while adding to the feel. The one thing one must keep in mind while buying these shots guns is the quality and the reputation of the supplier. It is better to ask the users or google the names for get know of the credibility of a particular supplier.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Cheap Sniper Airsoft Gun- Ideal for beginners

Airsoft games are extremely popular where one relishes the real time shooting experience with the other participants involved. It is more like getting embroiled in a combat situation that often involve the use of common military skills and tactics to achieve targets. And hence the participant imitates such equipments and accessories used by military organizations. The best available gun in the market used for such purpose is Cheap Sniper Airsoft Gun.

This gun is truly meant for beginners that give a realistic feel to them once they catch hold of it. All of these guns are pretty economical and are available in variety of designs and types such as spring, electric and gas. The features may vary accordingly. These are high quality guns that are safe to use and does not cause any harm to the user. They are designed in a way that is non –lethal. A beginner should always have a perfect weapon to begin with. And m4 airsoft rifle is truly one to look out for. A gun aficionado will easily recognize and spot a difference in the replica of this out of the box gun. And for that reason it is the widely used gun in military too. It is extremely light weight and durable and every gun enthusiast would love to own one. They are available in varied designs and types available for you. Choose the one that fits well with your needs and requirements.

The spring powered cheap sniper air soft gun is indeed a cheap gun, very versatile and easy to use and suitable for beginners. You just have to pull the spring back to fire the gun. The electric gun uses a battery that needs to be replaced from time to time. It all depends on what type of gun you are looking for. These guns do not wear away with time and stay intact forever. You can even install laser lights to give a cool look to your favorite gun but make sure you don’t point it directly towards your opponent as it may wreak havoc with their life.

We at Cheap Airsoft offer the best guns at reasonable rates and amazing discounts Quality comes at a price but with us you can expect the best at a considerably low rate. With us you will never have to compromise on quality as we are the best gun dealers in the town who have won the trust and satisfaction of the customers.

An M4 Airsoft Rifle is legal in almost every country. So, don’t wait anymore. In just a few clicks, get your favorite gun delivered right at your doorstep today.